When God says No

Since starting this blog, I haven’t really had an issue with figuring out what to write about. I guess I have been needing to share what is on my heart that it all easily spilled out into these entries. But, at times, I have to slow down and ask God what He wishes to convey through my words. These past few weeks I have struggled with what to share next. I have started multiple entries but have not been able to finish them. I have written about things that I would like to discuss, but perhaps the timing isn’t right, right now. I have been praying this past week about the next message God wants me to share. Time and time again, He keeps bringing me back to James 4.

The whole book of James was meant as a letter to the Jewish Christians, the future leaders of God’s kingdom, to show them the ways to boldly praise the Lord. In Chapter 4, James writes about humbling ourselves to the Lord. One of the verses that God keeps pulling out is verse 3:

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (NIV)

I love this verse so much. How often do we plead to God and cry out for things that we want, but do not have? Winning the powerball, that cute boyfriend, that nice-paying job, that new house… Are our intentions really for the Glory of God when we ask for these things?

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (ESV)

1 Corinthians 10:31

I would be the first person to tell you that I have struggled with this in the past. At first, my intentions seem right… Pleading, But Lord, if I get this job that pays well, I will have more money to give to the church.

Lord, I know he is not a believer, but if he becomes my boyfriend, I will make sure he comes to church with me and learns about You.

Once I move to Oregon, I will find a good church community to get plugged into.

Lord if I win the Powerball, I will have so much money to give to charities.

We are a generation of instant-gratification. Instant likes on social media, online dating, or finding the answer to any question, are all at the length of our fingertips. This, subsequently, has translated to our own relationships with God. Lord, if you give me                now, I will be able to do                 for You. You can fill in the blanks. It is now so clear to me that God doesn’t want to be a consolation prize. He wants to be the ONE we lean on, the ONLY road we take.

This has been difficult for me. If you have been around me for the past (several) years, you know I have never really had a stable income. This makes me feel like I have to try to save everything I make. I really don’t like spending money on myself and in fact, I feel guilty when I do. But this, in turn, has affected how I give my money. It is hard to remember that everything that we are blessed with on this earth is actually God’s: for we are only here because of Him. My money is not my money, it is God’s money. I should give it graciously back to the church to provide them with the means to further God’s kingdom. I should not feel guilty spending $80 to attend a church conference, because there is no price on the tools I need to successfully share His Word. In Life Group this week, we were talking about when we give our money back to the Lord, it actually feels like we have more money than before. Don’t wait for the right job or until you win the powerball–give first, and then see the ways in which God blesses you.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV)

Matthew 6:33


Sometimes it hurts when God says No. We can’t see the purpose now, but God is omniscient and can see through the length of all time. Through my past No’s from God, I have learned so much. Now, I can look back and see how these No’s have actually blessed me, not hindered me. Matt Chandler illustrates God’s No’s in a pretty awesome way:

See, if I could choose what I wanted, I would choose all of the good things and none of the bad things, none of the things that sting, none of the things that hurt, none of the things that bother me, none of the things that stretch me. I would take only the good. The thing is tough, God loves me too much to let that happen. See, people who are never stretched, people who never hurt, people who never mourn, they usually turn out to be self-centered, spoiled rotten, vicious people, and God loves too much to let that happen. And so, He sends, He and He alone, who sees all of eternity, decides who gets what and when they get it.

When God says No it’s not because He doesn’t care or He isn’t listening — it’s because He loves you.

I have started to use James 4:3 in my daily prayers to see if what I am asking for is for my pleasure or for the Lord’s. And always remember, He has a plan. Pour all you have into Him, and in Him alone, and see the wonders He will do.




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